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Vienna Improvisers Orchestra – Raum Utopie Dynamik
19. August 2021 @ 8:00 - 17:00

Ready for summoning utopia again!
September 2nd at Fabrik / Seestadt
7 min walk from U2 station
Mara Kolibri – voice
Lise Vinberg – voice
Bernhard Spahn – alto saxophone
Robert Bilek – alto and soprano saxophones
Niko Afentulidis – tenor saxophone
Christof Spanring – trombone
Klara v Schnapps – upright viola
Clementine Gasser – cello
Alessandro Vicard – double bass
Michael Zacherl – scivolo
Griffin Brown – small percussive instruments
instant composition conducting: Michael Fischer
Es gilt die 3G Regel
empfohlene Spende: € 5,-
September 2nd, Fabrik Seestadt
Sonnenallee 137, 1220 Wien
If you cannot be with us, you might watch these links:
Excerpts out of six concerts 2017: https://www.youtube.com/
Teaser of the live-score of the russian futurist avantgarde-fim ‚Aelita‘ (1924) , 2018, Reaktor Wien: https://www.reaktor.art
The VIO with autor Peter Waugh, 2013, Porgy&Bess: https://www.youtube.com